Legal information
Details as required by § 5 German Teleservices Act (TMG):
Interquell GmbH
Südliche Hauptstraße 38
86517 Wehringen
Interquell GmbH
Südliche Hauptstraße 38
D-86517 Wehringen
Tel: 08234 9622-0
Fax: 08234 9622-8296
Organic agriculture inspection body number: DE-ÖKO-007
Represented by:
CEO: Dipl.-Oec. Georg Müller
Register entry: Entry in the commercial register.
Registered at Commercial Court: Amtsgericht Augsburg
Register no.: HRB 6740
Responsible person as defined in § 55 para. 2 German Interstate Broadcasting Agreement (RStV):
Thorsten Stoyke
Südliche Hauptstraße 38
D-86517 Wehringen
VAT ID number as defined in §27 a German VAT Act: DE 811337176
Dispute resolution
We are neither prepared nor required to participate in dispute resolution proceedings before a consumer arbitration panel.
We are required to inform you that an appropriate online platform is provided by the European Commission for the purposes of such online dispute resolution. You can access this platform using the following link: In this context, we are also required to inform you of our email address. This is:
Version dated: 01.01.2021